
Showing posts from October, 2024

Dedicated to Vivien – Mathew chapter 13

A daddy-daughter date What a joy it is when a man plans a special dinner with his daughter, only to hear she has a little surprise up her sleeve! The suspense passes in and out of his mind for days as he wonders what could it be? He spots the Bible tagging along as a guest as they head to their go-to pizza joint. A grin spreads across his face because he feels this night will be unforgettable! This is the setting for the story of me having dinner with Vivien and her telling me she wanted to discuss Matthew Chapter 13. This chapter of Matthew is both inspiring and practical. I find it inspiring since Jesus teaches on so many levels. It is also practical since the word of God can be turned into practical advice for all who hear it. It never gets old.   Mathew 13 Matthew tells of Jesus addressing the crowd from a boat as they stand on the shore. He speaks in a parable of the Kingdom of Heaven. He speaks of a Sower of seeds. He elaborates that enemies may sow weeds into the field