
Meditation on the Glory of God with the Lord’s Prayer

  Meditation on the Glory of God with the Lord’s Prayer Many of you who follow my blog are familiar with my work under the pen name Ishall Dogood . In my first e-book, 'Become the Boss of You,' I delve into the benefits of activities that enhance all aspects of life. Embarking on a journey of self-improvement, I've discovered numerous life hacks. Yet, if I could choose only two, I would prioritize prayer and meditation. The profound transformation they bring, combined with the spirit of my first book, drives this article on meditating on the 'Glory of God.' Background help First, please delve into my article, “First Meditation on The Lord’s Prayer.” It covers the profound significance of the Lord’s Prayer, touching on various aspects, including its potential to enhance our spiritual growth. I dissect the sections of this prayer, making it more accessible for use in affirmation, prayer, and meditation, ensuring that everyone can benefit from its power.  Next

The Power of Prayer

The Power of Prayer. I want to ask a question that can be unnerving to some, “Do you believe that prayer has power?” If you said yes, you are not alone. For most religious and spiritually minded humans, prayer is a way to commune with a higher power, often God. The historical significance of prayer, serving as a portal to divine intervention that can provide comfort and guidance, is over 5,000 years old now. That’s a lot of candles on the cake. It has a history as old as ancient Mesopotamia, invoking a profound sense of awe and respect . This belief varies across different religions and spiritual practices, and it's important to acknowledge and respect this diversity. However, it is generally centered on the idea that prayer is a powerful tool for personal transformation and influencing external events. For those of you who own a copy of the e-book “Become the Boss of You,” you should read chapter five again. This chapter discusses the importance of activities that enrich ou

Meditation on The Lord’s Prayer – God’s Glorious Kingdom

  Second Meditation on The Lord's Prayer Have you ever wondered about the deep meaning behind Jesus’s teachings? Once we grasp this wonderful metaphysics of love and humanity's potential, we can infuse it into our meditation. This can help us connect with God's abundance and love through many factors, such as faith, gratitude, and visualization. As a gentle reminder, if you seek to dedicate time to deep prayer and meditation, it is beneficial to accompany these practices with a relaxed state facilitated by proper breathing. One effective technique is to create mental, spiritual, breathing, and relaxation 'set points.' These set points, like signposts on a journey, act as markers to guide you toward the desired preparation state more efficiently. In a separate blog post, I delve into creating and using these set points in more detail, providing a roadmap for your spiritual journey.   In a previous article, we unveiled the transformative potential of understandi

The Eulogy of Jim Paletta

  Opening thoughts I thank St. Bartholomew Church and the Paletta family for the honor of delivering a recent eulogy for my Uncle Jim. Earlier that day, I had a bit of a warning from God that my presentation of this man might not be easy. This is partly because summarizing a person's life in a few minutes is impossible for anyone. We can never truly do justice to their story. All we can do is try our best, seek forgiveness from the departed, and hope they are content with our tribute. The highlight of my day was conversing with Angie and listening to her heartfelt tales about her grandparents. It was a more meaningful tribute than anyone could have orchestrated. We all do this, starting with the viewing and ending with the breaking of bread and sharing smiles after the cemetery.    This tradition of bidding farewell to the ones we love dates back to Ancient Egypt, the Greeks, and the Romans, and it has been preserved by Judaism and Christianity. We attempt to honor the decea

Using our God-given faculties in prayer

  Using our God-given faculties in prayer In a past blog blast, we discussed the power of sticking to your prayer routine. Some folks treat prayer like a business deal, clocking in with lines like "I sent up a prayer" or "I prayed my heart out." If prayer is drudgery to you, this blog can help you rethink prayer. Some may see their spiritual journey as preparing for a marathon - it's all about getting ready for the big run. It doesn’t need to be that hard, but prayer does need its prep. It's all about building that inner strength to power. Preparing for a race with proper training can lead to some major rewards. Learning to pray with the right mindset can lead to magical transformation. Learning to pray Our spiritual laws operate similarly. Take The Lord’s Prayer, for instance; We can mechanically repeat this prayer five times in a row, our minds wandering elsewhere. Alternatively, we can recite it with intense concentration and profound contemplatio

Jesus and the magic of attitude

  Jesus and the magic of attitude - In the book “Become the Boss of You,” we are taken into the realm of magic to make a point. The book highlights two iconic figures: Glinda, the kind-hearted witch from The Wizard of Oz, and Gandalf, the wise wizard from The Lord of the Rings. In this tale of magic, Dorothy's remarkable willingness to accept Glinda's aid is a testament to her childlike openness. I would not trust the counsel of a stranger and venture away from the only world I just landed in accompanied by a dog that offered me no protection. Dorothy does just that. Similarly, Frodo Baggins displays a similarly open and innocent demeanor towards Gandalf's guidance. Embracing childlike faith in Jesus's teachings can bring profound benefits, leading to growth and understanding for a more enriching life. The teachings of Jesus and the teachings of God were revolutionary in their time, and understanding the societal challenges they faced can deepen our appreciation

1st Meditation on The Lord's Prayer -- God's Glory

Introduction to The Lord’s Prayer. Let's dive deeper into that The Lord's Prayer isn't just a bunch of words – it's more like a secret code to our faith—a magic wand for spiritual growth. You can chant it by heart or read it aloud, but let it sink in. Feel every word in your bones. When you pray with all your heart, it's like giving the prayer a power-up, a turbo boost for your spiritual journey. This prayer is a beacon of hope, ready to light up your faith journey with a sprinkle of magic and a dash of inspiration. The Lord’s Prayer is the most important prayer. If you could only have one, that is the one to have. Now, I understand that this is my personal opinion. It's a belief I've held close throughout my life that has come to my aid repeatedly. Some consider the Lord’s prayer as a summary of the good news Jesus taught. The Lord’s prayer is full of powers that help us, and I suggest you take meditation, and contemplation time using the Lord’s praye